New Stories (Mad Libs Style)

Nothing is ever the same, especially now. It is spring in an era of renewal and re-creation--it's time for a new story! As yogis, we know that we can create our own reality. And yet, the mind craves the familiar stories of the past, which may no longer be true, if they ever were. Because of that, it's easier to remember what was/how it's always been than to create new stories for ourselves.

Luckily, I have created a tool to help you draft your new tale: The Mad Lib Life Creator! I got the structure--you fill in the dreams. Print it out or write it down so you can keep telling yourself:

It is easy for me to have _________________________________ (noun #1).

Because I have this _______________________ (noun #1), I feel _____________________ (positive adjective #1).

When I feel ______________________ (positive adjective #1) , my whole world seems ________________ (positive adjective #2).

When that happens, I can give __________________________ (noun #2) to others.

I no longer need to fear ______________________ (noun #3) because I trust that ____________________ (divine noun) is nurturing me.

Need some new words? Give these a try:

Nouns for #1 and #2:

Love Grace Money Joy Peace Fulfillment Creative Work Wisdom Friends Extra Time Ease Self-respect Health Romance Chocolate

Nouns for #3:

Lack Judgment Loneliness Anxiety Boredom Anger Sadness Desperation Despair Bad Breath

Positive Adjectives:

Connected Radiant Happy Blissful Fulfilled Joyful Divine Lit up Satisfied Magnificent Healthy Powerful Generous Content Holy Beautiful Calm Vibrant Uplifted On Fire Delicious

Divine Nouns:

My Higher Self Mother Earth God The Universe Goddess My Inner Wisdom Providence

The Great Soul Cosmic Energy The Universe Bob